Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Thursday 9 July that Australia would be suspending its extradition treaty with Hong Kong in response to China’s imposition of a new national security law in the region. He also announced that Hong Kong residents currently in Australia on temporary work or student visas would be offered the opportunity to extend those visas by five years with a view to permanent residency at the end of that period.
The PM stated that officials in Hong Kong and China had been notified of the move which was necessary as the national security law amounted to “a fundamental change of circumstances in respect to our extradition agreement with Hong Kong.”
Australia is the latest in a string of countries to introduce measures in response to the new legislation. Last week Canada suspended extradition with Hong Kong and the UK and New Zealand have said they too will be conducting a review.
China’s Foreign Ministry criticised the move by Australia as a violation of international law and interference in China’s internal affairs.
Tags: Extradition agreement Categories: Australia, China, Hong Kong
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