Monthly Archives: July 2022

21st Jul 2022

Lady Justice’s Sword of Damocles: Erdogan puts pressure on Stockholm after Sweden’s Supreme Court prevents extradition

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has threatened that Turkey may still block Swedish membership of NATO following reports of a Swedish Supreme Court decision blocking the extradition of Yilmaz Aytan. Aytan, who ran a school in Afghansitan founded by the Gülen movement, has had permanent residency in Sweden since 2018. He requested asylum following […]

6th Jul 2022

Extradition for Accession: Turkey demands extradition of 33 individuals in return for accepting Sweden and Finland’s accession to NATO

Turkey has renewed efforts to extradite 33 individuals it designates as terrorists from Sweden and Finland following the signing of a trilateral memorandum between the countries removing Turkey’s veto on the Nordic nations’ accession to NATO. The Agreement In the memorandum, signed on 28 June 2022, Sweden and Finland have agreed, at clause 8, to: […]

Jasvinder Nakhwal
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7822 7753

Nick Vamos
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7822 7776

